Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Your Do Anywhere Workout

Do you have a body?
Then you can do this workout!
It is perfect for anyone who travels, doesn't have any equipment, or is in a time crunch. This workout should be done as a circuit. That means you will move quickly from one exercise to the next with as little rest as possible. Take about 30 seconds of rest at the end of each round. This workout is challenging but can be modified. Look below for suggested modifications.

20 high knee marches in place
30 jumping jacks
REPEAT 1 x more, no rest

20 bodyweight squats
60 seconds jump rope
15 pushups (can be modified on the knees)
60 seconds jump rope
20 each stationary lunges
60 seconds jump rope
30 ab bicycles
60 seconds jump rope
30-45 second forearm plank hold
60 seconds jump rope
rest 30 seconds
REPEAT 2 x more

Don't have a jump rope?
You don't really need one. Use an imaginary jump rope and perform the exercise just as if you were jumping a regular rope

Can't do a full 60 seconds of rope?
Start with 30 seconds and work your way up

Need more rest time?
Listen to your body. As you get stronger shorten your rest periods between exercises. Challenge yourself.

As always, if you have never exercised before, consult your physician to make sure that you are cleared for exercise. This workout may not be appropriate for everyone.


1 comment:

  1. I think giving people something that they can do without equipment is essential to a successful workout routine! This is something you can do anywhere, which is terrific!
