Thursday, November 12, 2009

Your Holiday Survival Action Plan

Yup, it's that time of year again. The time of year when we are surrounded by office treats, cocktail parties, family gatherings, grandma's pecan pie, and if we're not careful, an ever expanding waist line. How do we cope when there is unhealthy, tempting food everywhere we turn? The answer is by making a plan. You must have a plan for how you will cope with mom pressuring you to eat one more serving, how you'll fend off well intentioned friends pushing yet another Christmas cookie in your face. To go in to the holidays without a master plan is a recipe for disaster.
"If you fail to plan, you plan to fail."
Here are some examples of what your plan may look like:

1. Before going to any party drink a large glass of water, eat an apple, and a handful of nuts.

2. Never go to a party hungry. Never go into a holiday meal without having eaten the entire day. This will only encourage you to binge.

3. Before choosing options from the buffet table, scan the entire menu, choose items that are healthier such as; cut up veggies and hummus, shrimp cocktail, fruit plates. Forgo fried items.

4. If you know you will be attending a party where all the food will be unhealthy offer to bring a dish that you know is healthy.

5. If mom has a way of guilting you in to eating more, remember that you are an adult with the ability to make your own decisions, and kindly refuse her offerings.

6. Plan to allow yourself some grace. There will be certain treats this time of year that you just can't resist, eat them, but do so in moderation. You can eat a small piece of pie but choose pumpkin over pecan.

7. Stay away from alcohol. Alcohol is a real diet and self-control buster. The added unnecessary calories and the effect that alcohol has on your body make it a very bad choice. If you really must have alcohol, drink it in moderation or make your glass of wine a spritzer. You'll feel like you're having a treat but you'll be cutting the calories.

8. Before you fill your plate with food, look at the food choices, mentally decide which foods you can't live without and which you can. Take a modest portion of each option and ONLY FILL YOUR PLATE ONCE.

9. If you are hosting the meal take the time to look up healthier alternatives to all your favorites. There are droves of cookbooks and websites dedicated to this option and the lighter fares taste just as good, if not better, than the originals. (I'll site my Eat-Clean Diet Cookbook again. There is an entire chapter dedicated to a healthy holiday meal plan)

10. Now is the time to stick to your regular program of exercise. If you will be away from home or rushed for time, think of alternatives to your regular program. Pack resistance bands in your bag, bring your sneakers wherever you go so you can pop them on to go for a walk or a run. Keep exercise in the forefront of your mind and make it a priority now more than ever.

11. Gather the family together for a Thanksgiving morning Turkey Trot. These "races" are usually a 5k-10k in distance. They are laid back so even the novice can walk and not feel uncomfortable. Here's the turkey trot that I'll be running with my family

12. Plan to play a game of touch football after the meal.

13. Plan to take a family walk after the meal.

14. Plan out which holidays and parties are special. Choose only a couple of occasions in which you will "splurge". Allow yourself one really special treat at each occasion and then get back on the healthy eating and exercise wagon the very next day.

The bottom line is, you can make it through the holiday season without weight gain. With proper planning and a realistic attitude you will have the tools to make it through the holidays. Allow yourself your treats here and there but don't spend the next 3 months gorging yourself at every turn. If you can create and follow your plan, come new years day you'll already be ahead of the resolution game.

As always, I'd love to hear your ideas. If you have have some of your own strategies for making it through the holidays, please share them with us.


  1. I posted this to Facebook! Terrific ideas for how to get through the holidays! Thanks for posting this!

  2. I keep rereading this post to gather strength for the meal and the holidays.
    This year since I have made the whole dinner I am less anxious to inhale it. I am also taking a long walk today and that should help.
