Sunday, January 24, 2010

Rock climbing - a new fitness challenge

I have started a new fitness endeavor and I want to tell you about it. It seems that my level of enjoyment with physical activity runs in cycles. Sometimes I can go for months on end lifting weights and striding on the eliptical. Then there are the months when the mere thought of the gym makes me cringe. I can't stand the idea of being what feels like a rat in a cage. You know what I mean, rats will run for minutes on end on those funny wheel things. That's exactly how I feel when I'm staring at the same spot on the wall with my legs repeatedly spinning round and round. So, right now I'm in the "rat in a cage" phase and knew that I needed a new activity to spike my motivation.

I chose rock climbing. My gym offers rock climbing and I took a large class last winter to help beat the winter blues. I really enjoyed it and realized that I had a knack for it. So, this time around I signed Andrew and I up for a private lesson. It's just the two of us and an instructor. This has given me just the challenge that I need. Rock climbing is just as much intellectual as it is physical. It's kind of like a puzzle that you have to solve to get to the top. If you don't use the right technique and you try to use brute strength to pull you up you'll find out very quickly that you won't last very long. Andrew and I have come to the conclusion that if we could meld our bodies into one rock climbing body we would have the perfect combination. He with the brute strength and I with the flexibility would make one hell of a climber.

Rock climbing has made me sore in places i've never been sore before. Talk about a challenge for your grip strength. After an aggressive class I have a hard time holding up my water glass without using two hands. It's also challenging my competitive self and allowing me to bond with my husband at the same time. If you've never tried rock climbing I highly suggest that you give it a shot. Who knows you might love it!

How about you? What do you do to beat the gym doldrums or the Chicago winter blues?

I wanna be that lady in the pic at the top. She's bada#$!


  1. I love rock climbing! Anytime you want a partner in crime, I'm in! It's the most fun way to workout!

  2. Hey I had no idea! We'll have to do it together some time. It's an awesome workout.
