Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Got the winter blues? 5 ways to increase exercise adherence

Have you ever noticed that all you feel like doing this time of year is eating carbohydrates and laying around the house? Sometimes just getting to the gym feels like it takes all the energy I can muster. I'm pretty sure I suffer from something called S.A.D. Anyone who lives in Chicago knows what that acronym means. Basically it's depression brought on by lack of sunlight. Last year at this time I remember hearing someone on the radio say that we had experienced only 2 hours of sunlight in the last 30 days. Wow, gee thanks, as if I didn't feel bad enough already, now they had to go and rub it in! But seriously, with the waning levels of energy that lack of sunlight bring about it can be very hard to motivate oneself to workout. Here are a couple of tips for boosting your motivation level and getting back on track.

1. Treat yourself to a new, bright, and colorful workout outfit

2. Buy a new workout DVD that requires you to do something you've never tried before. Look at it this way, you can put down that cupcake, roll of the couch and start working out.

3. Find a workout buddy and hit a new class at the local gym

4. Get out of your cooking rut and try a new healthy recipe. Lots of websites offer healthier versions of your favorite winter comfort foods.

5. Purchase an inexpensive piece of new workout equipment. A brightly colored new band or ball that comes with a workout DVD can be a great motivation. You won't have to leave your living room to use it.

Don't forget that exercise actually increases energy and improves mood.


  1. I'm with you. The winter blues make me want to eat a whole cow and sit on my butt, but a new outfit in the right size (not too tight) thank you, can cheer me up enough to go to the gym or pop in a DVD. Sometimes reading a blog post like this is all it takes to shake some of the cobwebs off your winter flab and get moving!

  2. Thanks for your thoughts jessica!
